GMR2 Marketing
Internet Marketing Studies
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Case Study #1

Amazon aStore

Description: Simple 5-Page website with 4 pages dedicated to niche Amazon aStore categories with an inline aStore on each page. Home page will have a brief description of the site and comment form for email collection to be used at a later date with email marketing campaigns.

Marketing: Several methods will be employed consisting of low-cost, outside classified ad links using keywords that generate between 600-1500 searches per month on google as well as links from corporate site case study and ezine article(s). Detailed descriptions will follow.


Classified ad #1 keyword: science toys for kids - links to science toys page, CS links to ad, avg. 880 spm

Classified ad #2 keyword: science kits for kids - links to science toys page, CS links to ad, avg. 1300 spm

Classified ad #3 keyword: science labs for kids - links to science toys page, CS links to ad, avg. 590 spm

Classified ad #4 keyword: good books for kids - links to books 9-12 page, CS links to ad, avg. 880 spm

Classified ad #5 keyword: good authors - links to books 9-12 page, CS links to ad, avg. 1600

Classified ad #6 keyword: great books for kids - links to books 9-12 page, CS links to ad, avg. 480 spm

Classified ad #7 keyword: childrens story books - links to books 4-8 page, CS links to ad, avg. 1000 spm

Classified ad #8 keyword: classic childrens books - links to books 4-8 page, CS links to ad, avg. 1600 spm

Classified ad #9 keyword: new childrens books - links to books 4-8 page, CS links to ad, avg. 880 spm

Classified ad #10 keyword: kids story books - links to books 4-8 page, CS links to ad, avg. 1300 spm



Ezine article links to site, topic???


Main Site:
Home Page - Intro and comment/contact form.

Science Toys page- Short intro and aStore inline frame generated with category listing of scientific toys.

Books Ages 9-12 page - Short intro and aStore inline frame generated by Amazon.

Books Ages 4-8 page - Short intro and aStore inline fram generated by Amazon.

Cool Stuff page - Short intro with aStore inline frame generated from hand-picked items at Amazon.

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